Sunday, August 21, 2011


I decided that while I wait for space to become available
I would try asking places to stage for them
Since I am very intersted in the art of Charcuterie
and in nose to tail cooking that requires finesse
I set about asking Via Twitter
and emails to several of the Charcuterie people
That I follow, KFACharcuterie,
Salt and Time and Antionelies Cheese
if they took stagers
If that's even the word for it.
Initially KFA said they were already full,
but then told me
Yes, to come by on Sunday
and Monday afternoons.
Salt and Time contacted me via e-mail
and said "sure we like stagers,
when and how often do you want to?"
I told them I was starting w/ KFACharcuterie
on Sunday and Monday, and would be happy
to work any other hours,
as well as sign an NDA if it was a problem.
I have not heard back.
Kinda sad.
Maybe he's busy.
I'm still excited about KFA on Sunday
Next, I contacted Foreign and Domestic
a very recognized restaurant here
with a husband wife team with resumes like stars
Ned The chef owner husband part of the team
e-mailed me back to call him in the
morning at the restaurant to set something up,
I did, and left a message, then called again
and spoke with some one who informed
me that Ned was not in yet and that she
"had my information, and would give it to him"
I waited, but didn't hear.
Then, I e-mailed them, gave them #'s and told them how
excited I was. Also, that I understood how hectic it
can get in a restaurant, and to call at his convenience.
I also tweeted "@ForeignDomestic Staging...when to call?"
Hope I'm not being too pesty.
I know I'm pestering
I really want the opportunity( maybe just show up with my knives?)
Heh, just a little too creepy
 It's just that there are a lot of younger,
formally culinary trained
people in Austin who are just as hungry for the chance,
and who might get it before I do.

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